The pain in my feet and ankles has gotten severely worse over the last few months. I finally got to a podiatrist and got some answers. Due to the unusual structure of my lower legs and ankles, I have always naturally stood and walked with my feet pointing outward at about a 70º angle. Years of doing that, and trying not to do that by forcing my feet to point more forward while walking, have led to increasing stress on my feet until finally, a while back, a series of problems erupted.
My arches now collapse while I walk, causing my ankle to slide inward from the heel of my foot, so that I not only walk flat-footed, but my ankle is not centered over my heel, and my heel is actually twisted so that I’m almost walking on the side of my heel instead of the sole of my foot. The result is enormous stress on my ankles and lower legs.
This also causes my toes—especially my inner toes (the big toes and the one or two next to them)—to lose contact with the ground or the insole of my shoe while I walk, so my feet naturally began to curl my toes under so that they made contact with the floor while walking, since the toes play a crucial role in balance and stride.
But curled under like that, the part of my toes that make contact with the floor aren’t the bottoms like they should be. Instead, the tips of my toes, including the nails, are being pushed into the floor with every step. This causes strain on my metatarsals and the tendons in my feet.
It also means that my toenails and the skin at the tips of my toes are essentially becoming one big callus. It’s hard to see where one ends and the other begins. It’s pretty weird looking.
This may also be damaging nerves in my feet and ankles. And that’s where things get real. Who knows how much permanent harm has been done by all this?
The podiatrist and I are working to gradually increase support under my feet to try to mitigate things and keep my feet from sliding off-center on my heel so much, to try to get my toes back to the floor the way they belong. With luck we will at least reduce the amount of pain I’m in, as well as the various visible problems with my toes themselves.
I’m frustrated that nobody figured this out sooner; it’s not like I haven’t specifically asked my doctors if the unusual structure of my feet and the way I walk might be a problem. Sigh…